Thursday, August 15, 2024
some advice about inquiring and creative life
Don’t be afraid to show your own understanding to others who seem
to be beyond you. If their opinion is worthwhile, then they’re not condescending. They won’t cause your anxiety to be validated.
Learning never ends for everyone who appreciates their own path.
The integrity of your venture belongs to you, not recognition by others.
And prudent trusting of the other is always worthwhile as one’s default presumption. If trust is betrayed, move on, but prudently trust again.
Others who remain important to you may not any longer regard you as important. Their choice, their loss, as they remain importantly lost.
Or, persons whose work you admire are unresponsive to your contacts. Don’t despair. They likely regard the work you admire as their best contact with others. And when one of their works is sent into the world, there’s more Work calling, which is about the calling itself, without influence by unchosen happenstance contacts. Treasure their solitude, as you treasure your own.
No one can take away from you authentic importance you keep alive alone. “I am that, I am.”
Two kindred souls standing together in witness of a great view
may have nothing to say because the event of shared presence
binds them.
Employ fidelity to yourself and to others through your Work.
Feel fair to say (or think), “In solitude, I depart our dailiness only to be more deeply a part of being.”