Friday, July 19, 2024

summer 2024

I thought I’d sprout by today, but I didn’t make it. Good reason, though.

July 5

“Formal integrability” (June 26 below), yes.

But not soon. It’s like a constellation being clearly present, but conveying it all as such requires a sequence of stars pointed out such that the constellation emerges for others, then to be sensibly named
for what it shapes, which can be drawn various ways. What’s best
to be next?

Friday, July 12, 2024

theming sprouts

July 11

I’ll elaborate soon, maybe tomorrow, Saturday?, soon, because that’s
the nature of the thing, a sprout, here about that, too.

July 12

And so I sprouted, sooner than I anticipated yesterday.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

free associations of a nomadic species

An appeal of gardening types and kinds wanders across distinctions which are integral to my interests, but whose formal integrability isn’t intimated yet.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

spring 2024

Bloomsday for greater humanity” honors this highland day.