Friday, July 19, 2024

summer 2024

I thought I’d sprout by today, but I didn’t make it. Good reason, though.

July 5

“Formal integrability” (June 26 below), yes.

But not soon. It’s like a constellation being clearly present, but conveying it all as such requires a sequence of stars pointed out such that the constellation emerges for others, then to be sensibly named
for what it shapes, which can be drawn various ways. What’s best
to be next?

Friday, July 12, 2024

theming sprouts

July 11

I’ll elaborate soon, maybe tomorrow, Saturday?, soon, because that’s
the nature of the thing, a sprout, here about that, too.

July 12

And so I sprouted, sooner than I anticipated yesterday.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

free associations of a nomadic species

An appeal of gardening types and kinds wanders across distinctions which are integral to my interests, but whose formal integrability isn’t intimated yet.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

spring 2024

Bloomsday for greater humanity” honors this highland day.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

love of minding

being there: Of thering about conceptuality.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

integrity of oneSself as neologist

Flourishing of oneSself is, at best, a balance of [a] open receptiveness and apt responsiveness of oneself with others (genuine living of s/p differentiality) with [b] the same of oneself with Selfality (authentic living of S/s differentiality).  

Authenticity and genuineness of flourishing lifepsychalness belong together in the same hopefully exemplary lifecycleness.

So goes my integrity of neologisms.

Friday, May 10, 2024

reverie of heartfulness

This isn’t sentimentalist. It prospects a concept of background (deep) Self.

Thursday, May 09, 2024

being with, immanently

Two discussions—“immanent being in time” and “being with ‘you’”—sketch senses of “interal” belonging of differentiations, from proximal phenomenality to complex interpersonal life. No sentimentalism.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

“genesis“: retrojective articulation of being

Fun title, easy reading (mostly). It’s about immanence (Flow) of feeling phenomenality.

Saturday, May 04, 2024


Everyone wants a good story. This is about awing want.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

being person-al: beyond what They say

My discussion of person-ness here follows from the second part of “It’s phenomenal” (April 22) about living experience. Its repeat of earlier themes is in a circumspective context of others’ standard views on being a person which will be analyzed later.

Monday, April 22, 2024

It’s phenomenal

A large-scale project begins today with a set of three discussions under the title “It’s phenomenal,” which isn’t a self-promotional title, rather a denotation of its overall topic. The first of the three is titled “manifold living,” The bottom of that page links to the second, bottom of the secon to the third, and all are listed on the main Project page (upper left button of each discussion page).

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

here now the dead

One’s life can exemplify the virtue of authentic being, even when
not yet influencing heirs. Thinking of lives generally may reaffirm
a virtue of being for the humanity of caring.

So: a little sermon for Our grand story.

Saturday, March 23, 2024


So, sing, you spring.

Friday, March 22, 2024

is the Singularity nearer?

Inquiring minds want to “No!

Friday, March 15, 2024

winter 2024

No update apart from what I noted today at

Mar. 2

The posting on Derrida has no obvious relation to recent obsessions about better humanity, but it’s all part of the same Project: humanism, humanities, conceptual literary interest, interest in textuality, though that series is a stretch—abstract. Yet, a reader wants enhancement of their sensibility through arts, and arts are commonly matters of our humanity.

I’ll have better updates soon.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

postcard from the conceptual resort

I’m with Jacques Derrida in fascination with our possible presence together here, i.e., through textuality, which is from me to an invented other, but also somewhat (inevitably) inventing the actual other in conscientious address. And the other—anonymous reader, loved one—somewhat invents the author.

Friday, January 26, 2024

appeal of better ways

A discussion I put online earlier this month, titled “To shape a better understanding to share, where should we begin?,” immediately dissatisfied me. So, I reconceived the thing, now posted as two discussions: 
  •  “orienting life in relation with futuring humanity,” a couple of days ago. See the playfully titled “deep time...” posting below here, Jan. 24.
  • today’s “appeal of better ways.” It constellates an array of themes for more specific attentions later. It’s a good synopsis of what I’m generally doing for my “project of humanity.”

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

deep time of appellant horizons might show enthralling gravity

Orienting life in relation with futuring humanity” is inspired by how education undermines consumerism, undermines the appeal of authoritarian stances, and welcomes appreciation of manifold mindfulness.

Also, my discussion introduces a scalar sense of holism which is generally important for “The Project currently.”

Friday, January 19, 2024

coming to terms

Desire for new concepts—which I’ve not hesitated to satisfy—follows from working beyond the normal uses of standard concepts. That’s common in philosophical work, but easily seems hermetic.

The past couple of weeks offline have been very fruitful, in terms of more new concepts and advancing earlier themes. I love my days!