Saturday, August 29, 2020
Several new projects are going to intersect in coming weeks: “summer constellation” is begun by “a caring profession” (already noted below), but the latter leads into the new “days go by” section of the Area “being in Time,” whose first posting is “late August, 2020.”
I don’t know that my Aug. 23 posting, “I caused his death? Sorry, dude…” fits into anything but a longstanding, marginal interest in discursive polemic.
“Being ‘conventional’” happened as prelude to beginning a third new project, “prospecting democratic futures, 2020” with today’s “for a world beyond throwaway words.”
Also, there is “an Earthanity” today at literairy living
August 21
New discursive beginning: “a caring profession.”
And a posting that draws together old postings into a sense of years
going by.
August 14
I’ve spent so much time with new areas of notes to organize—and now I’m close to “finished”!
Discursive emails continue to occupy more time than anticipated: several more to a professor in British Columbia; many more to a student from China studying in Ontario; more to a professor here at UC.
But I’m enthused by being over the peak and going into sharing new things next week. It’s conceptual fun. It’s paradise enough.
August 1
I forget postings as a matter of course, wanting to move on. I may happen to skim an old posting, but impatiently because I don’t want to get drawn back into a moment of life I’ve left. I’m like a painter who finishes something as if only to start a new canvas.
Past weeks of work have been very rewarding. But I’m in thick woods, unready to report out, while my self-imposed Saturday update began to haunt on Wednesday, feeling intrusive Thursday, and now here.
All the deadlining, though, is good for coming up with something.
“Tell us where you are now, or you’ll be abandoned.”
As if I haven’t abandoned myself countless times for the sake of cherished solitude.
So, he comments on another NYTimes article and does another confessional posting; then returns to his offline thicket of words.
July 18
So begins another set of saturdaynote updates…
The July 18 update paragraph covers what I have to share.
(I failed to note earlier that I did a confessional posting in late June and one last Saturday.)