Sunday, January 27, 2019

discursive moments

Discursive moments” is done (for this winter—come spring).
The subtitle probably seems precious: “…: mind evolving.”
Think of ‘moments’ as “importances” and ‘mind’ as verbal “care.”

A keynote of it all is to clarify a sense of discourse and evolving that is defined by The Project itself (not by standard senses of discourse, which are formalistic for ‘discourse’ and biologistic for ‘evolving’) in terms of the 11 indicated sub-Areas of Project Area 14. (Also, several of the 11 have sub-topic pages linked). Altogether, it’s about 70 book-sized pages of discussion, much of it very enthymemic (which is my preferred shortening of ‘enthymematic’).

As I dwell online with others’ work, my focus will stay specific, rather than suggesting all-Area perspectives for The Project. Sub-Area topics now, for January, will probably not change much, since they result from several years of settling focus into those sub-Area foci.

I know this is so interesting (not).