Friday, March 14, 2025
winter 2025
I’m working steadily, but openness to emergent themes goes where it appeals. I may have more to share next week or not. I hope to get closure on new developmental work this weekend.
Feb. 28
I see a way station ahead, nearing more easily each day. I’ll write you from there.
Feb. 15
My month has been productive, since January 19 (the last “winter 2025” note), offline as well as here. I’m close to adding more in coming weeks than I’ve shared the past month.
But topping a hill usually exposes another hill in the distance (another fascinating conceptual complex) I want to top (clarify) before giving time to sharing.
It’s all serious fun.
Jan. 19
I don’t forget you’re there—or, to you, “here,” as (?) I am—we [t[here being.
Jan. 10
“My road to better understanding” (below) is actually decades long, now 3000+ "pages" (re: normal book page size). The “path marking of It All” link, sidebar here, goes to an open-ended oriental posting I did for my own convenience awhile back (and updated), which may be useful to others.
Jan. 7
Sharing a moment of my road to better understanding, better being: “humble attitudes of highland altitude.”