Wednesday, December 18, 2024

smart living: given to enactive fulfillment

This goes forward beyond the last section of “ belong,” (on being merely “social”).

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

reality not chosen, reality I choose to prospect

There’s no admirable point to political anger unless it leads to actionable valuation….This discussion is an outer worldly sidetrack from a project for tomorrow which is inner worldly, but highlights inner/outer liminality.

Time gives gravity to prettiness where beauty emerges

Airy living, 15 years ago, “soothing W. H. Auden,”
on extra-ordinary life.

That page hasn't been public. It was done for a beloved friend, Terese, whose eidetic memory penned Auden's "Musée des Beaux Arts" perfectly for me during a lunch.

Friday, December 06, 2024

easily casual, easily alien

This is the first part of a new five-part set oriented by the notion of belonging: being chosen to belong in relation with choosing to belong. It becomes very analytical, as aliens may.

In coming weeks, I expect to post more frequently than in recent months—and again before Dec. 21, I expect.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

autumn 2024

Well, I am ready to add more, at last—a new beginning, in a sense—but that’ll take a few days.

Nov. 23…Nov. 30

Closer, but not ready to add more; not frustrated, very enthused. A flow of regular sharing is immanent, next week I expect.

Nov. 17

I avoid chronic anomie (if not mild depression) from daily news—
the suffering of so many regions—by immersing myself in development of my writing projects, hours every day, largely for the love of doing it. I haven’t put a lot online lately, but there is much in gestation.