Saturday, February 15, 2025

winter 2025

My month has been productive, since January 19 (the last “winter 2025” note), offline as well as here. I’m close to adding more in coming weeks than I’ve shared the past month.

But topping a hill usually exposes another hill in the distance (another fascinating conceptual complex) I want to top (clarify) before giving time to sharing.

It’s all serious fun.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Heidegger receding into the distance

Giving attention to Heideggerian themes feels regressive for me these days, but Heideggerians turn up in my online life: A Facebook group of serious students and scholars of Heidegger was pushed my way by Facebook; a new academic encyclopedia page on Heidegger irks me.

But also, I’ve wanted to provide an overview of what I’m doing altogether relative to long Heideggerian influence (like being more attracted to doing autobiography as one ages).

Monday, January 27, 2025

for intimacy of time being

Heidegger’s sense of there being phenomenal implicature here (or any text) and there (any reader) sought to engage “us” in a venture of originary promise in thinking together (there linking at the end to here).

My discussion there highlights a concept of “It” which isn’t addressed. So, in light or that, you might wonder what “is” “It”?  

Friday, January 24, 2025

open interality in released Flow of immersion

This recalls last year’s pages on interality (inter-ness, e.g., re: interplay, interaction, etc.) in a narrative of their links, free associating with the conception, which will sprout more topics soon. It’s about being immersive relating.