Saturday, March 14, 2020

fairly aiming

Gorgeous days have come to Berkeley, just as the Covid-19 scare causes Cal’s botanically-lush campus to become as quiet as spring break.

I completed the “set of aims” that I mentioned March 6, but went to bed last night a little despaired about how I could do anything with it briefly for an update here.

This morning, I became enchanted by an astronomy article in the NYTimes, which caused me to spend the morning writing exotically
to the author, David Overbye. Then, I turned that into a blog posting,
for astro-science funding—then beyond.”

What to do with the elaborate organization of notes that express the set of aims remains to be seen. But the thematic distance from the “way post...” below (textist) to “—then beyond” (cosmic) tropes the scale of my aims.