Saturday, December 31, 2011

AEros: enthralling high appeal

February 2024

In a phrase, my coinage idealizes a generative enthrall of artistic engagement.

But “high”ness, to my mind, is about prospects of higher conceptual insightfulness in being well, analogously as “higher” education provides better opportunities for being well than “lower” insightfulness.

This is an “internal” appeal which shows phenomenally (“externally”), rather than an external appeal of an artwork or a performance (performing artist) to and for an other/audience. AEros is of appellant Work (Wwork of art) to and for the sake of that—to and for flourishing of oneSelf.

I seek the highest scalarity of generative enthrall in a courage of innerworldliness (which has no theory of itself).

Originally, the term was defined more modestly: “AEros,” Dec. 2009. This was modestly discussed further in Dec. 2011, “AEros of flourishing.” 2016: “AEros of our own.” 2019: “AEros of the seminar.” And I’ve improvised about enthralling appeal itself.

This note is keeping its original date, because other post-2011 things might link to this. And here is a good place for updates on the notion for new linking.